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Two Determined Trial Lawyers Earn National Attention After Supreme Court Victory, Jury Trial Wins

How Wes Ball and Kyle Farrar found their way to the top of the NLJ Trailblazers list 

HOUSTON, OCALA, Fla. – An important and closely watched victory at the U.S. Supreme Court in March along with a national docket of defective tire and auto litigation caught the attention of editors at the National Law Journalleading to 2021 Plaintiffs’ Trailblazers honors for trial lawyers Wes Ball and Kyle Farrar. 

Part of the nationally respected trial team at Kaster, Lynch, Farrar & Ball, the pair gained the attention of NLJs research staff following record jury verdicts involving dangerous tire treads and automotive products. Most recently, the two played key roles in a case that made it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and led to a precedent-setting opinion with lasting implications for product safety and U.S. consumers. 

Bandemer v. Ford is the story of a young man who was seriously injured in 2015 crash when an airbag failed to deploy in Ford Crown Victoria. In the product defect claim brought by Mr. Bandemer, Ford Motor Co. stonewalled by arguing that Mr. Bandemer could not file the lawsuit in his home state of Minnesota because the vehicle involved in the crash had been purchased in another state. Ford claimed that injured people in such situations could only seek justice in courts where a company has its headquarters.

Led by Mr. Farrar, the Kaster, Lynch, Farrar & Ball team took Mr. Bandemer’s lawsuit from the trial court through the appeals process all the way to the nation’s highest court. In Marchthe justices returned an 8-0 opinion rejecting Ford’s argument. Legal observers and consumer-rights activists hailed the decision as a critically important protection for individuals hurt by dangerous or defective products.

In addition to Bandemerthe NLJ’s editors noted a string of large jury verdicts and settlements against manufacturers and transportation companies, as well as their active caseload of product defect lawsuits across the country.

Based in Ocala, Florida, and Houston, the trial lawyers at Kaster Lynch Farrar & Ball LLP have hard-earned expertise in cases against global vehicle and tire manufacturers over defects that can cause significant injuries or deaths. The firm is a nationwide leader in securing verdicts and settlements against the world’s largest tire and vehicle manufacturers. For more information, visit TheTireLawyers.com.

Media Contact:
Robert Tharp 